On a glorious sunny Bank Holiday Sunday we held our event for Bowls England Big Bowls Weekend. We incorporated our day as a Fun Day to raise money for Diabetes UK our chosen charity this year. Started off with a Spider won by Richard Thrift then a fun game of triples with the majority of members joining in. The team skipped by Richard Thrift were the winners with the team skipped by Terry Davies getting the booby chocolates. Afterwards a skilful game of killer was played with members and friends joining in (the green keeper shut his eyes at this stage) This was won by you've guessed it Richard Thrift. The grand sum of £1,600 was raised for the Charity and we all had a fun day and gained some new members as well. Thanks to Andy Knapper England Bowler who dropped in to wish us well and stayed all afternoon to coach some of the visitors who were new to bowls.
