On Saturday 18th September the remainder of the postponed Ladies County finals finally took place at Tilehurst B.C. Gemma Hanks was playing Carold Goddard from Island Bohemian B.C. in the unbadged. It proved a very close game with both players edging ahead and then dropping shots. Gemma proved to be the strongest and reached the magic 21 shots first. Well done Gemma now a County Badged player.
Maggie Scrace and Sue Goodchild were scheduled to play at 12. 30 against the pairing of Sally Gilbert and Jane Murphy from Didcot B.C, but had to wait for another half an hour as their opponents were still playing a game on another rink.
We all knew this would be an emotional game as Maggie had already announced that this was her last competitive game playing at County level. Thicket supporters as ever outnumbered any other supporters and they were not disappointed as it was a nail biting final with both pairs winning a shot and then losing it on the following end. It all came down to the last end as Maggie and Sue were leading by one shot but Sally and Jane were holding 2 shots, On her second wood Sue came down with force and pushed the jack towards the ditch and gained the shot. All eyes were on Jane as she played her last wood but it failed to get nearer than the holding shot and it was all over and Maggie and Sue were County Pairs Champions. The tears flowed from spectators and players alike as Sue made an emotional speech and presented Maggie with a huge bouquet of flowers and thanked her for being her partner and mentor at Thicket over the last I don't know how many years.
Maggie Scrace has been an inspiration and stalwart of Thicket Bowls Club for over 40 years and has competed and played in many County Competitions and has won her way to Leamington in many competitions including playing in the John's and Walker Cups.

Well done Gemma Maggie and Sue three County Winners and from the smallest club in Maidenhead, power to the positivity and camaraderie of everyone at Thicket